"So, I say, live by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other . . . " (Galatians 5:16-17 NIV).
"In the beginning, God . . . "(Gen. 1:1) The Hebrew word is "Elohim," a plural noun revealing the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are created in His image and are triune beings: Body, Soul, and Spirit.
Adam must have been an amazing creation. He was able to fellowship with Deity because the life of God had been breathed into him (Genesis 2:7). Endowed with such amazing mental capacity and power that God trusted him to name the animals, and rule over all the earth and all the creatures on the earth. (Gen. 1:26)
Sin entered the garden through Adam and Eve's high treason, and they were blocked from the place God had created for them, and the Tree of Life. Now, they only could rule their lives through their senses. Darkness and death had entered their spirits.
Hope for the human race would only come if God provided a new beginning. A new 'Adam' had to be born. Only God can make this happen. His way is the only way. Not a physical rebirth, but a spiritual one.
When you and I confess our spiritual condition, turn wholeheartedly to Christ, and are baptized, we have that new beginning. Our spirits are made new and no longer carry the sentence of death and darkness. Now, once again, our spirits are alive the Father, alive to hear Him and walk with Him. Now we no longer walk in sense knowledge. Now we have revelation knowledge that comes through abiding in Christ and His Word.p
How are you in the Lord today?
Our answer should be taken from the very definition of the word salvation:
"I am saved, healed, whole, prosperous, and delivered from the molestation of all my enemies." (1)
We've been given a body and a mind to USE, but not to RULE. They are NOT who we really are. The REAL you is your newly created spirit.
No matter what our circumstances are trying to tell us . . . No matter how our bodies and emotions are trying to define who we are IN CHRIST, the real you and me are fine, healed, set free, whole, and prospering in Him.
I recently spoke with a young college student who told me, "I believe God is what you make him." Sad, but when natural senses are all you have to work with--that's as good as it gets. But how sad to stay that way, and miss knowing the real you God created you to be in Christ.
The real you is not your body or your mind. The real you is your spirit, created to live eternally.
God has given us a mind and a body to use, but not to rule.
How are you in the Lord today?
1. soteria: deliverance, salvation: Strong's Concordance, Bible Hub. https://biblehub.com/greek/4991.htm
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